We’re looking for campers to join us for Halloween camping in 2023.
- Date: December 23-25, 2023
- Location: Changwon Hershey Camp
- Cost: KRW 120,000 for 2 nights
- Number of participants: 15 tents
- Dogs and cats allowed
Every year we do a Halloween campout for the kids.
In 2021 and 2022, we went to Halloween camping hosted by Kang San’s family.
This year (2023), it is organized by HUNA FAMILY.
Twelve different families will gather at Changnyeong Hashcamp to make precious memories with their kids.
We will enjoy family sports and picnics.
We will also have 4 exchange students from Korea (Estonia, Denmark, Italy, and Australia).
We are looking forward to this year.
We will have our own Halloween event where many families will have fun dressing up in costumes, playing sports, and exchanging various gifts.
Halloween camping in 2022 – Watch the video
Halloween camping in 2022 – Watch the photo